Rx Products & Prescriptions Supplier
All products FDA registered and proudly offer all your patients allograft needs in one place

Rx Bone Grafts
Proudly offering a wide variety of Bone Allografts, Soft Tissue Allografts, & Bone Fibers.
SteriScaf® – HSA Cortical Bone Fibers-
100% human cortical bone
Interwoven demineralized bone fibers provide a unique scaffold for bone formation
Shape conforming – excellent bone-to-graft contact for orthopedic applications and void filling
High Surface Area (HSA) – DBM Cortical Fiber Allografts have a greater surface area than cancellous bone for optimized cell adsorption, retention and viability
Osteoconductive – DBM provides an ideal scaffold to support bone formation
Osteoinductive potential*
Hydrates quickly and uniformly
Irrigation resistant
Sterilized by gamma irradiation to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6
No anatomical restrictions to the size or shape of the implants
SteriFlex® Wrappable Allografts
100% cortical bone that can be bent, contoured, rolled, trimmed, molded or sewn, making this flexible bone material incredibly versatile in surgical settings. Maintains the structure, stability, and osteo-conductivity of human bone and stimulates new bone growth. Rehydration of bone implants for such a desired use has been discussed in the literature for years (Mulliken, Ann. Surg., 1981), but only recently has technology allowed us to commercially produce such an innovative solution.
SteriFlex™ is sterilized with the GraftShield™ process for improved allograft safety.
Common Surgical Applications:
dental/maxillofacial, trauma and bone augmentation.
Source: Femur, tibia, fibula, ilium or humerus
Preservation Method: Lyophilized
Containers must be stored at ambient temperature
SteriGraft® Cortical-Cancellous Crushed
Common Surgical Applications:
Filling of bone void defects, augments prosthetic or other implants used for spinal fusion, oral or maxillofacial reconstruction, or ankle and foot reconstruction.
Proximal and distal ends of long bones, ilium, calcaneus or talus
Preservation Method:
Lyophilized Containers must be stored at ambient temperature
Rx Wound Allografts
Specialties Served:
Home Health
Podiatrists in the treatment of chronic wounds.
Dermatologists in application of amniotic membranes post Mohs procedures.
Assisted Living/Nursing Homes
Nurse Practitioners
About Amniotic Membranes
These grafts come from the inner layer of a human placenta. They are procured ethically through donations from a planned cesarean section, and put through rigorous testing of communicable diseases. There have been zero reported adverse effects with a reported 95% success rate in achieving full wound closure in under 6 weeks.
Light weight, thin and comfortable
Requires no stitches or glue. Naturally adheres to your wound!
Covered by Medicare Part B
Packed full of healing and growth factors.
Flexible. Allows the patch to form to any wound.
Multiple sizes
These grafts come from the inner layer of a human placenta. They are procured ethically through donations from a planned cesarean section, and put through rigorous testing of communicable diseases. There have been zero reported adverse effects with a reported 95% success rate in achieving full wound closure in under 6 weeks.

Rx Ocular Allografts
Protective Covering For Ophthalmic Applications
Corneal Ulcers
Corneal Perforation
Moderate/Severe Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Bullous Keratopathy
Partial Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Neurotrophic Keratitis
Moderate/Severe Acute Ocular Chemical Burn
Severe Dry Eye
Persistent Epithelial Defects

Amniotic Allografts can be safely stored at ambient temperature on
a shelf up to 5 years.
Why choose Amniotic Tissue Allografts us?
We don't just sell you product, we also make sure you get reimbursed without any clawbacks years down the road.​
Hired an outside wound billing specialist that will be dedicated to walking you through your medical necessity notes, pictures, and codes to ensure you not only get reimbursed, but to ensure you don't get a clawback.
Focus on the true science behind amniotic tissue and allograft technologies has allowed us to produce superior products.
Chorion Removal – Research has shown that chorion contains
maternal antigens that may trigger an immune reaction. To improve safety, we remove the chorion from all amniotic tissues used in RxWound allografts. Over 55,000 patients have been treated with these chorion-free allografts and with no known adverse events. -
Processing Technique – Our scientists have spent countless hours refining our processing technique in order to maintain the viability and concentration of the key healing properties found in amniotic tissue.
*Please note that throughout the site we use the term allograft in lieu of graft. The word graft is often used interchangeably with allograft, however, graft is defined as a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically. The word allograft further differentiates that the tissues come from the same species as the recipient but is not genetically identical.
1 Complements and the Wound Healing Cascade: An Updated Review. Hani Sinno and S atya Prakash. Plast Surg Int. 2013; 2013: 146764
2 Amniotic Fluid: Not Just Fetal Urine Anymore. Mark A Underwood, William M Gilbert, Michael P Sherman. Journal of Perinatology. 2005; 25: 341-348
3 Growth factors and cytokines in wound healing. Barrientos S, Stojadinovic O, Golinko MS, Brem H, Tomic-Canic M. Wound Repair Regen. 2008; 16(5): 585-601
4 The Grafting of Preserved Amniotic Membrane to Burned and Ulcerated Surfaces, Substituting Skin Grafts: A Preliminary Report. Maximilian Stern. JAMA. 1913; 60(13): 973-974
5 Immunological characteristics of amniotic epithelium. Hori J, Wang M, Kamiya K, Takahashi H, Sakuragawa N. Cornea. 2006; 25(10): S53-58

Get in Touch to order:
Please advise us if you are a Clinician, or Patient seeking wound healing and one of Pharma Reps will contact you directly.